Q1. |
How to get grievance redressed? |
A1. |
In case of grievance please contact the Counsellor or Deputy Director
(Public Relations / Grievances) at the Reception for advice or approach
the Deputy Director of the concerned department on any public hearing
day i.e., every working Monday and Thursday between 2.30 P.M. to 5.00
P.M. |
Q2. |
How to know about procedures/formats to be submitted
to DDA for various transactions? |
A2. |
For submitting papers for various transactions with DDA please contact
Counter no. 11 at the Reception at Vikas Sadan and purchase a copy
of the consumer guidelines of the department with which you have to
interact. (These guidelines are also available in the Procedure
section of this website.)
For knowing as to which guideline is applicable to your case, please
contact the Counsellor. |
Q3. |
How to go about long pending cases? |
A3. |
For cases of conversion, mutation etc. remaining pending for more
than 3 months, please watch out for DDA advertisements for dates of
Lok Shivirs and attend the same. Advertisements are published in major
National Dailies both in English as well as in Hindi. (This information
is available in the Notices
and Tenders section of this website as well.) |
Q4. |
Grievances wherein the disposal is not satisfactory?
A4. |
For grievances wherein you are not satisfied with the disposal please
approach Principal Commissioner with brief fact of the case in writing
on any public hearing day. |
Q5. |
Are you making repeated visits to DDA? |
A5. |
For grievances wherein you are not satisfied with the disposal please
approach Principal Commissioner with brief fact of the case in writing
on any public hearing day. |
Q6. |
For information regarding allotment priority
number / status of any scheme or any other general information. |
A6. |
For general information regarding schemes, status of allotment,
payment dates, dates of draw, new programmes of DDA etc., please contact
Reception at D-Block, Vikas Sadan on any working day between 10.00
AM to 5.00 PM. |
Q7. |
Do you want some specific information? |
A7. |
For specific information regarding your case please approach the
Deputy Director concerned of the department on any public hearing
day i.e.working Mon and Thurs between 2.30 PM to 5.00 PM. |
Q8. |
How to deposit the documents? |
A8. |
All requisite documents alongwith a forwarding letter giving list
of the documents should be submitted at the reception and receipt/acknowledgement
obtained. In your own interest, please do not give such documents
directely to the dealing officials at personal level as this may result
in loos of your documents. |
Q9. |
Do you want to know the status of payment of
your hire purchase flat? |
A9. |
For details of payments made, outstanding dues etc.
kindly contact Accounts Officer of the Zone in which your flat is
located. All Accounts Officers sit in Vikas Sadan Block, and are available
on the public hearing days i.e. Mondays and Thursdays, between 2.30
PM to 5.00 PM. |
Q10. |
How to make payments to DDA? |
A10. |
All payments should be made through a demand draft drawn in favour
of DDA and the department to which the payment is to be made, like
"DDA Housing Department". The draft should be deposited through bank
challans at the designated branches of the banks. (Branches are designated
in the brochures of each scheme. |