Goals of Biodiversity Parks
The prime goal of the parks is conservation and preservation of ecosystems of the two major landforms of Delhi, the river Yamuna and the Aravalli hills. They seek to conserve keystone species and other threatened plant and animal species, preserve the biodiversity of any habitat that is likely to be converted into urban infrastructure, establish field gene banks for threatened land races and wild genetic resources, promote education on environmental awareness and nature conservation, establish native communities of the Aravalli hills and the River Yamuna basin particularly of the Delhi region, develop mosaic of wetlands that sustain the rich aquatic flora and fauna of the Yamuna and monitor short term and long term changes in the ecology of the Delhi region.
Thus, Biodiversity Parks act as heritage sites and repositories of the approximately 50, threatened communities of the Yamuna river basin and Aravalli hills, provide ideal alternative habitats for migratory and resident bird species, enhance ground water recharge and augment fresh water availability, act as sinks for CO2 and other pollutants, ameliorate local weather conditions and buffer ambient temperatures, promote eco-tourism and social connectivity across the urban community, serve as gene pools, and represent unique ecological models possesing not only wildlife and natural values but also aesthetic, environmental and educational values.