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1. For Official Circulars
Circular on Extended APAR Time Schedule for period 20-21(English) .
Circular on Extended APAR Time Schedule for period 20-21 (Hindi) .
Circular of Extended Timelines for submission of Medical Report in r/o Grp. 'A' officers for year 20-21the period 2020-21 .
Circular for vaccination camp .
Circular of Extended APAR Time Schedules for the period 2020-21 .
Circular for Unicode.
The policy/guidelines related to record retention in DDA
Policy for lmproving Quality Assurance in DDA Works.
Circular for APAR (English)
Circular for APAR (Hindi)
Circular regarding Immovable Property Return (English)
Circular regarding Immovable Property Return (Hindi)
Camp for COVID-19 testing
Circular No. 91/2020
APAR circular regarding extension of date of filling APAR online & offline for the period 2019-20 (English)
APAR circular regarding extension of date of filling APAR online & offline for the period 2019-20 (Hindi)
Retirement Notification
COVID-19 : Circular regarding employees with co-morbidities
COVID-19 : Circular regarding Aarogya setu App
COVID-19 : Exemption to employees having co morbid conditions from Roster duty.
COVID-19 : Extension of Circular dt. 19.05.2020 until further orders.
SOP to be followed by the officers/officials in DDA.
Guidelines for employees attending the office as per Duty Roster during lockdown period
Circular regarding Attendance
Lands Rates for Computation of Misuse Charges for the Financial year 2019-20
Inclusion of electrical maintenance under 30 years maintenance Schedule of the Housing Scheme 2010
Circulars (APAR) (English)
Circulars (APAR) (Hindi)
Circulars (IPR) (English)
Circulars (IPR) (Hindi)
GIS Circular (Authorization to GIS Survey Firms for issuance of Geo-Coordinates & Key Plan (QR Code) of the properties /plots in Unauthorized Colonies (UCs) in Delhi)
Extension of closing date of departmental Accounts Test for JEs/AEs/EEs (Civil/Elect.Mect.) and SOs/ADs/DDs (Hort.).
Circular (Departmental accounts test for JEs/AEs/EEs (Civil/Elect./Mech.) and SOs/ADs/DDs(Hort.))
F&E Circular No. 23/2018 regarding Policy for Engagement of Consultants.
Recent list of empanelled Arbitrators in DDA.
Partial amendement in policy for permissibility of additional educational activities /use premises under the educational category plots
Circular for Swachhta Abhiyan
Circular making tendering for DDA works open only to Contractors Registered with DDA
Regarding documents required for issuing of Possession Letters of plot allotted under Rohini Residential Scheme-1981
Circular regarding revalidation of Possession Letters of plot issued under Rohini Residential Scheme-1981
Circular for Extension of last date upto 31.12.2019 for payment of premium of plot for the allottees to whom Demanf -cum - Allotment were issued from 2014 onwards under RRS-1981
Circular on Refund of Additional FAR
Circular for Inviting application for allotment of Staff Quarters 'On-line'
Targets of Personnel Department for the Year 2019-20
Circular (Extension of late date upto 31.08.2019 for payment of premium of plot for the allottes to whom demand-cum-allotment letter were issued during the month of February,2018 under rohini Residential Scheme-1981)
Circular No. 672
Constitution of Teams to take feedback / reports on cleanness and proper illuminations of wash rooms, corridors and common area of Vikas Sadan premises
Circular for Extension of last date upto 31.08.2019 for payment of premium of plot for the allottees to whom demand-cum-allotment-letter were issued during the month of February, 2018 under Rohini Residential Scheme-1981
Empanelment of arbitrators in DDA
Issue of demand letters in respect of flats booked through Online Scheme launched on 18.1.19
Ongoing Online Running Scheme 2019 for allotment of DDA flats on free hold basis (old inventory of Aawasiya Yojana-2017) on First Come First Serve Basis - - - ATTENTION! Allottees of One-Bed Room flats at Narela G-2 & G-8, Rohini Sector 34 & 35, Ramgarh C
Circular (Nazarat)
Circular (Revision of rate of interest to be charged on Damage Properties in the Public Premises (Eviction of Unauthorised Occupants) Act, 1971 under section-7 (2A))
Circular (Uploading of Blank APAR'S of all Group 'C' and Group 'D' Officials in DDA Website)
Circular ( Filling of APAR)
Circular for Removal of Lock In Period in Housing Scheme 2014
Circular (Regarding filling of online (as well as offline) Annual Performance Assessment Reports for the year 2018-19)
Circular (Withdrawal) of debarment of M/s. Tara Chand Sumit Construction Co.55 DDA Flats ,Todapur , New Delhi from further tendering in DDA for a period of three Years
Circular No.40
Circular (DDA Aawasiya Yojana 2017 )
Empanelment of Arbitrators in DDA
Circular Housing Coordination (Simplification of Forms)
Circular of Policy to enable stakeholders for revised modalities for operationalzation of enhanced FAR in Planned Commercial centres
G.S.T. to be levied to the tendering fee/processing fee for enlistment of contractors
Circulars for filing up Annual Property Return for the Year 2017 (Hindi)
Circulars regarding filing of APAR and APR for the year 2017-18
Circular inviting application for allotment of DDA Staff quarters
Circular dated 10.11.17 -Regarding severe air pollution situation in Delhi
Circular of SBF (Documents 1)
Circular of SBF (Documents 2)
Circular of SBF (Documents 3)
Uploading Subordinate Legislation on India Code Portal -regarding
Circular of Rashtriya Ekta Diwas
Revised Procedure and Guideline for engagement of retired officers of the Govt.as Consultants in the DDA on contract basis 2016
Independence Day circular
Circular no.4
SBF hindi Circular form 567
Hindi SBF form567
Predetermined Rates for Developed Areas for the year 2016-17.
Circular no. 25 dated 18.10.2016 regarding re-engagement of retired officers in DDA
Issuance of office stationery, cartridges, pen drives, CD and consumable items for official use
Circular-Issuance of furniture
The date for direct recruitment examinations for which applications were invited vide Notification No.3/2016 from 21.05.2015 to 20.06.2015 is still to be decided. As and when, the same is finalized, shall be notified on website. No query in this regard will be entertained.
Circular No 26 dated 18.10.2016 (schedule of Limited Departmental Competitive Examination to the post of ASO)
Financial & Expenditure Circular No.22
Financial & Expenditure Circular No.22
Financial & Expenditure Circular No.22
Financial & Expenditure Circular No.22
Financial & Expenditure Circular No.22
Staff Benefit Fund extended circular english
Staff Benefit Fund extended circular hindi
Circular (Finance and Expenditure Branch) Circular No.14
Circular (Finance and Expenditure Branch) Circular No.15
Circular (Finance and Expenditure Branch) Circular No.16
Circular (Finance and Expenditure Branch) Circular No.17
Circular (Finance and Expenditure Branch) Circular No.18
Circular (Pension Part 1)
Circular (Pension Part 2)
Circular (Pension Part 3 I)
Circular (Pension Part 3 II)
Circular (Pension Part 4)
Circular (Pension Part 5)
Circular (Pension Part 6)
Circular (Pension Part 7)
Circular (Pension Part 8)
Rates of premium for institutional land in DDA areas for the Years 2014-15 and 2015-16
Circular (Medical Audit)
Circular (consent for credit facility to DDA by CGHS empanelled hospitals)
SBF circular English
SBF form English
SBF circular Hindi
SBF form Hindi
Circular (Finance and Expenditure Branch) Circular No.9
Circular (Finance and Expenditure Branch) Circular No.10
Circular (Finance and Expenditure Branch) Circular No.11
Circular (Finance and Expenditure Branch) Circular No.12
Circular (Finance and Expenditure Branch) Circular No.13
Circular (Invitation of Applications for allotment of Staff Quarters for the year 2016-17)
Circular (Land Rates for computation of Misuse charges for the year 2016-17)
Circular (From Subject Received Size Categories DD system Career Counselling for wards of DDA Staff/Officer 4:36 PM 56 KB )
Circular (Yoga Celebration on International day of Yoga)
Circular (Revision of rates of Damages for the Assessment under the Public Premises (Eviction of Unauthorized Occupants) Acts, 1971 for the Year 2016-17)
Circular (Retrofitment of CNG kits in the existing petrol driven staff vehicles)
Circular (Revision of rates of Damages for the Assessment under the Public Premises Acts, 1971 for the Year 2015-16)
Circular (Proforma for taking prior permission for private visits abroad)
Circular No 09(UDC Limited Departmental Examination to fill up 270 posts(1))
Circular No 09(UDC Limited Departmental Examination to fill up 270 posts(2))
Circular No 09(UDC Limited Departmental Examination to fill up 270 posts(3))
Circular No 09(UDC Limited Departmental Examination to fill up 270 posts(4))
Circular No 10(LDC Limited Departmental Examination to fill up 10 posts(1))
Circular No 10(LDC Limited Departmental Examination to fill up 10 posts(2))
Circular No 10(LDC Limited Departmental Examination to fill up 10 posts (3))
SBF Circular(31-03-2016)
SBF circuler
SBF cirluar Hindi form567
SBF cirluar English form567
SBF circuler hindi
SBF circuler english 567 form
Office Order2 SecCRB
Office Order Sec CRB
Circular Pension Cell
Circular Comm(Peronel)
SBF Circular
Circular Land Costing
Circular NO. 10/2015
Circular NO. F7(2)2008/CC
Circular NO. F.4(6)(2015)/PR/108
Circular LD
Circular No F.1(1)2014-Coord.(LD)/DDA/191
Circular No 50
Circular No 45 Dated 24.06.2015
Circular No 14 Dated 12/06/2015 ACP/MACP Benefits
Circular regarding Staff Benefit Found HINDI
Circular regarding Staff Benefit Found ENGLISH
Circular regarding 24th work shop for Retiring Officers/Officials
Circular NO. F2(MISC)GH/2014/ME/85
Circular NO. F.1(2)/AO/Rohini/RP/2004
Circular NO. S.1/20/2014/OSB/85
Circular Dated 29.04.2015
Circular No. 48 Dated 13.04.2015
Circular No. 27 Dated 23.03.2015
Circular No. 38 Dated 23.03.2015
Circular No. 8 Dated 18.03.2015
Circular No. 4 Dated 12.2.2015
Circular No.F.15(10)2013/MP/39 dated 06.02.2014 regarding Modalities for operationalisation of the enhanced FAR in MPD-2021 for planned commercial areas.
INSTITUTION OF AWARD LETTER No.F.11(15)2013/Awards/Welfare/1377
Circular for nomination of annual awards(IR&SW).
Official Circular/ Institution of Award No.F11(15)2013/Awards/Welfare/1262
Circular No 15
Circular-Misplacement of Petty Sanction register in r/o JE(C)/PDPK
Circular No 17
2. For Public Circulars
Internship Program/Scheme for Finence wing in DDA