A (A) For sanction/Addition/Alterations/Revised plan of residential plot/other building:
If a person intends to erect or re-erect or make alterations in a building he/she shall give notice in writing in the prescribed form (Form-1; Appendix ‘A’; Bye-Law No.6.1) and such notice shall be accompanied by necessary permit fee as detailed in Serial No.3 at P-8 and the following documents.
(1) From the first application-Appendix “A’ (Bye Law No.6.1)
(2) Specification Form of proposal duly signed by owner and Architect/Engineer Appendix ‘A’ (Bye Law No. 6.2.6).
(3) Certificate of supervision-1- Appendix ‘B’ (Bye Law NO. 6.2.7) by Architect/Engineer.
(4) Certificate of Supervision-II by Plumber/Engineer Appendix ‘B’ (Building Bye Law No.6.2.8).
(5) Appointment letter of Architect/Engineer.
(6) Copy of valid registration certificate of Architect/Engineer.
(7) Copy of valid registration certificate of Plumber/Engineer.
(8) Affidavit on non-judicial stamp paper of Rs. 10/- for ownership and ploy lying vacant.
(9) Affidavit/undertaking on non-judicial stamp paper of Rs. 10/- for non-stacking of building materials on public property
(10) Time Extension, if required, up to the date of submission of building permit.
(11) Indemnity Bond on a non-judicial paper of Rs.100/- in case of proposal for construction of basement (Appendix ‘N’) duly attested by First Class Magistrate
(12) Undertaking on non-judicial paper of Rs.10/- under Section 29(1) of Delhi Development Act, 1957.
(13) Copy of possession plan and Lease Deed.
(14) Copy of NOC issued by Lessor.
(15) Building Plans including water harvesting proposal (4 Sets including one set cloth mounted) duly signed by Owner & Architect.
(16) Landscape Plan (4 sets including one set cloth mounted) duly signed by Owner & Architect.
(17) Parking Plan (4 sets including one set cloth mounted) duly signed by Owner & Architect.
(18) Layout Plan, wherever applicable duly signed by Owner & Architect.
(19) Certificate by owner, Architect/Engineer & structural engineer for safety from natural Hazards (Annexure-‘B’-Bye Law NO.6.2.9).
(20) Qualification Certificate of Structural Engineer.
(21) Certificate by owner & Architect/Engineer for water harvesting in prescribed format.
(22) Undertaking on non-judicial stamp paper of Rs.10/- for balance peripheral charges in case of Group-IV Cooperative House Building Society.
(23) Certificate from the Secretary of the Cooperative House Building Society that all the damages etc. to the services shall be made good by the Society before handing over services to Government Agency and no stacking charges are leviable.
(24) NOC from Society (Group-IV-Cooperative House Building Society).
(25) Any other document/information that the authority may deem fit.Additional document required in case of buildings other than residential-plotted development:
25.A Undertaking for additional FAR/ Betterment charges as duly signed by the Owner/ Arch./Engineer
25.B Specimen Signature of the owner attested by Magistrate – 1st Class
25.C Copy of ‘O’ form/ o C in case of additional sanction duly signed by the Architect.
25.D Demolition Plan in case of revised sanction after demolition duly signed by the Owner/ Architect.
25.E Photograph of existing building (to be demolished) to be signed by the owner/ Arch on reverse side.
25.F Undertaking for using wooden/ steel ladder on Nonjudicial Stamp Paper of Rs. 10/- duly attested by the Oath Commissioner/ Notary .
25.G Undertaking for not constructing extra dwelling unit on Nonjudicial Stamp Paper of Rs. 10/- duly attested by the Oath Commissioner/ Notary .
25.H Indemnity Bond for Structural Stability constructing Additional SF & TF on Non-judicial Stamp Paper of Rs. 100/- duly attested Oath Commissioner/ Notary.
25.I Cess charges undertaking duly signed by the owner, attested by Notary and cess Perfoma duly signed by Architect (Specimen Attached)
25.J Indemnity Bond for Health hazard, safety concerned including fire safety on Non Judicial Stamp Paper of Rs. 100/- duly attested by the Oath Commissioner/ Notary (Specimen Annexed-I)
25.K Undertaking/ Affidavit for Penalty/ special compounding as per Govt. Notification dt. 22.09.06 & 20.11.06 on Non Judicial Stamp Paper of Rs. 10/- duly attested by the Oath Commissioner/ Notary (Specimen Annexed-I)
25.L Undertaking/ Affidavit for ventilation by mechanical means for Addl. FAR and zero set backs on Non-Judicial Stamp Paper of Rs. 10/- duly attested by the Oath Commissioner/ Notary (Specimen Annexed-II)
25.M Undertaking/ Affidavit regarding construction will be carried out as per sanctioned plan and not to occupy the building till it is declared for occupancy by DDA on Non-judicial Stamp Paper of Rs. 10/- duly attested by the Oath Commissioner/ Notary
25.N Undertaking/ Affidavit for non-availability of water and electricity on Non-judicial Stamp paper of Rs. 10/- duly attested by the Oath Commissioner/ Notary
25.O Copy of Possession letter duly signed by the Architect.
(26) No objection Certificate from competent authority regarding land use as per Master Plan/Zonal Plan if required.
(27) Approval from Chief Inspector of Factories in case of Industrial Buildings.
(28) Approval from Chief Controller of Explosives, Nagpur in case of hazardous buildings.
(29) Approval of Chief Fire Officer, GNCTD are to be followed (Refer Handbook of Building Permit Procedure- 2006/ Public Notices issued time to time by Delhi Fire Services)
(30) Along with these documents additional 3 sets of plans are to be submitted, if, the scheme requires the clearance from Delhi Fire Service s and 2 additional sets of plans are to be submitted, if clearance from DUAC is required.
(31) Appointment letter of Structural Engineer.
(32) Development Area No. (Details) and whether denotified or not along with NOC from Land Deptt., DDA.
(A-I)Additional documents other than (A) above required for sanction of building/layout plan for group housing public & semi-public (PSP), institutional, commercial, industrial schemes etc.
(1) General Body Resolution for appointment of Architect & Structural & Engineer, (as defined in NBC of India).
(2) List of members of Managing Committee and office bearers of Society, duly approved and attested by Registrar of Co-op. societies, wherever applicable.
(3) Authorization letter for signing the documents.
(4) Approved list of members duly approved and attested by Registrar of Co-op. Societies, wherever applicable.
(5) Delhi Urban Art Commission (DUAC) proforma in duplicate (in original). If required (Ref. memorandum of DUAC dt. 07.02.2006.
(6) Chief Fire Officer (CFO) questionnaire in duplicate (in original), wherever applicable.
(7) Undertaking from the owner for contribution towards Economically Weaker Section (EWS) housing Fund @ Rs.25000/- per flat/dwelling unit in case flat/dwelling unit area is equal to or more than 92.90 sqm. (1000 sq.ft.)
(8) Copy of allotment letter dully attested by Architect/Owner/Lessee.
(9) Copy of approved Layout Plan of area with respect to plot in question duly attested by Architect/Owner/Lessee.
(10) Architectural Control Drawings, wherever applicable.
(11) Approval from the Chief Inspector of Factories in case of Industrial Buildings.
(12) Approval from the Chief Cont roller of Explosives, Nagpur and Chief fire Officer, Delhi in case of hazardous buildings.
(13) Undertaking for EWS (Economically Weaker Section), for proposal based on MPD-2021:- An undertaking that minimum 15% of FAR proposed is constructed for community service proposal/ EWS and Lower Income Category.Along with these documents 4 sets of plans duly signed by Owner/Architect are to be submitted of which one set shall be cloth mounted in case DUAC/CFO clearance has not been sought. In case, the scheme shall require the clearance From Delhi Fire Services/Delhi Urban Art Commission or other agencies additional sets of drawings shall have to be submitted as mentioned at Sl. No. 29 of (A)
(A-II)Documents required for sanction of building/layout plan subsequent to clearances from DUAC/CFO
(1) Height clearance from Airport Authority of India (A.A.I).
(2) Electric Sub-Station (ESS) location clearance from B.S.E.S./local power company wherever applicable.
(3) 3 sets (including one set cloth mounted) of complete scheme incorporating B.S.E.S./local power company, DUAC and CFO recommendations (dully signed by Owner/Architect).
(4) N.O.C. from M.O.E.F, if required, where applicable.
(5) N.O.C. from Archeological Survey of India / Heritage Conservation Committee, where ever is applicable.
(6) Certificate duly signed by the owner structural Engineer, Architect & Supervisor for tentative cost of project for assessing CESS Tax (Note: 1% of the tentative project cost shall have to be deposit at the time of submission of proposal)
(7) After sanction of proposal, the services i.e. water supply, sewerage and storm water drains etc. shall be submitted to DDA of forwarding to concern local body for their approval, wherever applicable.
(A-III)Revalidation of plans
The original sanctioned plan is required to be submitted with requisite fees as detailed in Sl. No. 3 and a letter or request for revalidation along with time extension letter from the Lease Department, if necessary.
(A-IV) Documents required for Sanction of Building Plant for Commercial/ Industrial Buildings
(8) Form of first Application – Appendix ‘A’ (Bye Laws 6.1)
(9) Specification from proposal duly signed by owner and Architect/ Engineer Appendix ‘A’ (Bye Laws 6.2.6)
(10) Certificate of Supervision-I, Appendix ‘B’ (Bye Law 6.2.7) by Architect
(11) Certificate of Supervision- II, by plumber/ Engineer - Appendix ‘B’ (Bye Law 6.2.6). Appointment of letter of Architect/ Engineer duly signed by the Architect.
(12) Copy of valid registration – Certificate of the Architect/ Engineer duly signed by the Architect.
(13) Copy of valid registration Certificate of plumber/ Engineer duly signed by the Architect.
(14) Affidavit of ownership and plot lying vacant on Rs. 10/- Non Judicial Stamp Paper duly attested by the Oath Commissioner/ Notary.
(15) Affidavit/ Undertaking for Non Stacking of Building Materials on public land, Appendix ‘M’ duly attested by the Oath Commissioner/ Notary.
(16) Valid EOT – (If required) upto the date of submission of building permit. Indemnity bond in case of proposal for constructions of basement on a Nonjudicial Stamp Paper of Rs. 100/- duly attested by 1st Class Magistrate. (Appendix ‘N’)
(17) Undertaking under section 29(1) of D.O. Act 1957 on Non Judicial Stamp Paper of Rs. 10/- duly attested by the Oath Commissioner/ Notary.
(18) Copy of Possession Plan/ Lease Deed/ Mutation/ Sale Deed/ GPA duly attested by the Architect.
(19) Copy of NOC from Lessor duly signed by the Architect.
(20) Building Plan (4 sets i/c one cloth mounted) duly signed by the owner/ Architect.
(21) Landscape Plan (4 sets i/c one cloth mounted) duly signed by the owner/ Architect.
(22) Parking Plan (4 sets i/c one cloth mounted) duly signed by the owner/ Architect.
(23) Layout plan for the plot under reference duly signed by the Owner/ Architect
(24) Certificate by owner/ Architect/ Engineer/ Structural Engineer/ for safety from Natural Hazards. Annexure ‘B’ (Bye Laws 6.2.9)
(25) Qualification certificate of Structural Engineer duly signed by the Architect.
(26) Certificate for water harvesting prescribed format duly signed by the owner/ Architect/ Engineer.
(27) N.O.C. from competent authority regarding land use as per Master Plan/ Zonal Plan, if required.
(28) Approval of Delhi Fire Services in case of schools, guidelines of Directorate of Education, GNCTD dt. 17.01.05 are to be followed. Undertaking on Stamp Paper of Rs. 10/- duly attested by the Oath Commissioner/ Notary to be submitted by the owner at the time of sanction of building plan.
(29) Additional 3 sets of plan are to be submitted if the scheme requires the clearance from Delhi Fire Services and 2 additional sets of plans are to be submitted, if clearance from DUAC is required.
(30) Undertaking for additional FAR/ betterment charges as per on Stamp Paper of Rs. 10/- duly attested by the Oath Commissioner/ Notary.
(31) Specimen signature of owner attested by Magistrate 1st class.
(32) Copy of ‘O’ form/ OC in case of additional sanction duly signed by the Architect.
(33) Demolition plan in case of revised sanction after demolition duly signed by the Owner/ Architect.
(34) Photograph of existing building (to be demolished) to be signed by the owner/ Architect on reverse side.
(35) Copy of allotment letter duly signed by the Architect.
(36) Undertaking for not constructing extra area beyond sanctioned plan on Non-judicial stamp paper of Rs. 10/- duly attested by the Oath Commissioner/ Notary
(37) Indemnity bond for structural safety on Non Judicial stamp paper of Rs. 100/- duly attested by the Oath Commissioner/ Notary and cess performa duly signed by Architect (Specimen Attached).
(38) Indemnity bond for health hazard, safety concerned including fire safety on Non Judicial stamp paper of Rs. 100/- duly attested by the Oath Commissioner/ Notary.
(39) General body Resolution for appointment of Architect & Structural Engineer, (as defined in NBC of India).
(40) Authorisation letter for signing the documents.
(41) Undertaking Affidavit regarding construction will be carried out as per sanctioned plan and not to occupy building till it is declared fit for occupancy by DDA on Non Judicial stamp paper of Rs. 100/- duly attested by the Oath Commissioner/ Notary
(42) Copy of registration of the Society with government along with details of its governing body signed by the Architect.
(43) Copy of possession letter duly signed by the Architect.
(44) Chief Fire Officer (CFO Questionnaire in duplicate) (In original) if required
(45) Delhi Urban Arts Commission (DUAC) proforma in duplicate (in original) if required. (Ref. memorandum of DUAC dt. 07.07.2005)
(46) Architectural Control Drawings, wherever applicable.
(47) Clearance from AAI to be obtained by the Architect/ Owner through DDA
(48) Provisions for physically handicapped persons as per Govt. Notification vide No. F. 12016/5/7/9/DDA/VI/B.No./ IX (Pt.) dt 28.08.02
(49) NOC for environmental clearance from DPCC/ MoEF as applicable as per the Govt. Circular No.
(50) Undertaking from Delhi Metro.
(51) Undertaking stating that 1% of the project cost will be spent on ‘Works of Art’ in the building as per DUAC.
(52) Architectural Control Drawings. Wherever applicable.
(53) Approval from the Chief Inspector of Factories in case of Industrial Buildings
(54) Approval from the Chief Controller of Explosives, Nagpur and Chief Fire officer, Delhi in case of Hazardous Buildings.
(55) Clearance from Archaeological Survey of India.
(56) Clearance from NHAI
(57) Any other document/ information that the Authority may deem fit.
B) B-1 Permit: Plinth Level.
On completion of construction up to plinth level, Architect/Owner will apply in Appendix ‘B-1’ (Building Bye-laws 7.2.2) (Refer Page-33) for plinth level checking along with requisite fees and documents as detailed in S. No. 9.
C) Completion-cum-Occupancy Certificate (Appendix ‘B-3’ : Bye-law No. 7.5.2)
Every owner/builder has to submit a notice of completion of the building on the Performa as given in ‘Appendix B-3’. The notice of completion shall accompany the necessary permit fee as detailed in Sl. NO. 3 and following documents:
(C-I)Documents required for Completion-cum-Occupancy Certificate (for residential plotted development)
(1) The Certificate by the Owner, Architect, Engineer, Structural Engineer and supervisor in the form ‘Appendix B-3’ (Bye Law No. 7.5.2) in duplicate.
(2) One set of structural drawings as executed duly signed by owner, Architect and Structural Engineer as defined in NBC of India).
(3) Copy of Lease-deed.
(4) Valid extension of time up to the date of applying for Completion Certificate; and in case completion is applied in phases; valid extension of time would be required up to the last phase.
(5) Revalidation of plan up to the date of application of completion certificate.
(6) Valid Certificate of Architect, Engineer.
(7) Qualification Certificate of Structural Engineer.
(8) Certificate regarding deviations from Architect/Engineer.
(9) One set of building photographs (Coloured) in size 8”x10” duly signed on backside by owner/Architect.
(10) 3 sets (one cloth mounted) of Completion Plans (Layout Plan, Building Plan, Sections & Elevations) along with actual area at site i.e. ground coverage, FAR, Green, Parking with other details duly signed by owner and Architect.
(11) Superimposed Layout and Building Plans wherever applicable.
(12) Sewer connection permission from DDA in case ‘D’ Form is already issued, wherever applicable.
(13) Undertaking for EWS (Economic Weaker section), for proposal based on MPD 2021:An undertaking that minimum 15% of FAR proposed is constructed for community service proposal/EWS and Lower Income Category.
(14) Photograph of water harvesting chamber duly signed by the owner/Arch. on the reverse.
(15) Appendix 'F'
(16) Appendix 'G'
(17) Annexure 'C'
(18) Letter for change of Architect/Engineer if applicable.
(19) Appendix 'B' 6.2.7 (Supervision No. I) if applicable.
(20) Appendix 'B' 6.2.8. (Supervision No. II) if applicable.
(21) Original sanction plan in case of deviations from the original plan duly signed by the owner/Arch.
(22) Cess charges Undertaking duly signed by the owner, attested by Notary and cessperforma duly signed by the Architect .
(23) Indemnity Bond for Health hazard, safety concerned including fire safety on non-judicial stamp paper of Rs. 100/- duly attested by the Oath Commissioner/ Notary
(24) Undertaking/ Affidavit for penalty/ special compounding as per Govt. Notification dt. 22.09.06 & 20.11.06 on non-judicial stamp paper of Rs. 10/- duly attested by the Oath Commissioner/ Notary .
(25) Undertaking/ Affidavit for ventilation by mechanical means for Addl. FAR and Zero Setbacks on non-judicial stamp paper of Rs. 10/- duly attested by the Oath Commissioner/ Notary .
(26) Undertaking/ Affidavit regarding regularization of existing building plans in view of Govt. Notification dt. 22.09.06.
(27) Copy of Possession letter duly signed by the Architect.
(28) N.O.C/ clearance from N.H.A.I. if applicable
(29) N.O.C/ clearance from Archaeological survey of India/ Heritage Conservation Committee if applicable
(C-II) Additional Documents for public and semi-public (PSP) (Institutional) Buildings:
For clearance from DUAC, where applicable (Ref. DUAC’s memorandum dt.7.2.2006)
(1) No objection Certificate for occupancy from Chief Fire Officer.
(2) Clearance from Chief Controller of Explosives, wherever applicable.
(3) Clearance/NOC from BSES/local Power Company regarding provision of transformers, Electric Sub-Stations, Ancillary Power Supply System etc., wherever applicable.
(4) Certificate from the Lift Inspector, GNCTD, wherever applicable.
(5) Certificate from Air-Conditioner Engineer, Manufactures, wherever applicable.
(6) Undertaking regarding day/night marking as per/CAO standard, wherever applicable
(7) Valid clearance from Airport Authority of India (AAI).
(8) Approval of Sewerage, Water Supply and Storm Water Drain Schemes From DJB/MCD/DDA as applicable.For clearance from DUAC, if applicable (Ref. DUAC’s memorandum dt.7.2.2006.)
(9) DUAC Proforma (In Duplicate, in original).
(10) 2 sets of Model Photographs coloured (8”x10”) duly signed by owner & Architect.
(11) 2 sets of Building photographs coloured (8”x10”) duly signed by owner & Architect.
(12) External Finish Certificate (In Duplicate, in original) duly signed by owner & Architect.
(13) Certificate regarding deviations from Architect (In Duplicate, in original)
(14) One set of attested copies of Sanctioned Plan.
(15) Clearance from Chief Fire Officer, Delhi(In Duplicate), wherever applicable duly attested by Architect.
(16) 5 sets (one cloth mounted) of Completion Plans (Layout Plan, Building Plans, Sections & Elevations) along with actual areas calculations at site i.e. ground coverage FAR, Green, Parking with other details, duly signed by owner & Architect.
(17) Two sets of super imposed layout and Building Plans, wherever applicable.
(18) Any other document/information that the authority may deem fit.
(19) Provision s for physically handicapped persons as per Govt. Notification vide No. F-12016/5/79/DDIA/VI/B.No./IX(Pt.) dt. 28.08.02
(20) NOC for environmental clearance from DPCC/MOEF as applicable. NOC from Delhi Metro.
(21) Undertaking stating that 1% of the project cost has been spent on 'Works of Art' in the building as per DUAC.
(22) Authorization letter for signing the documents. Architectural Control Drawings, wherever Applicable.
(23) Clearance from Archaeological Survey of India/ Heritage Conservation Committee wherever applicable.
(24) Clearance from N.H.A.I wherever applicable.
case, DUAC clearance is required then documents at Sl. No. 8,9,10 & 11 of Para C-1 will not be applicable.
(C-IV) Documents required for Completion-cum-Occupancy Certificate for cooperative Group Housing Societies, Govt. Departments Govt. Institutions, Charitable Trust and WAKF Board.
(1) The Certificate by the owner, Architect/Engineer, Structural Engineer and supervision in the form Appendix B-3 (Bye Law No. 7.5.2)
(2) DUAC Performa (In Duplicate in original) for Completion Certificate (Refer page-38 to 40).
(3) Two sets of building photographs (coloured) (in size of 8”x10”) duly signed by owner & Architect.
(4) Two sets of model photographs (coloured) (in size of 8”x10”) duly signed by owner & Architect.
(5) External Finish Certificate (in duplicate) from Architect.
(6) Certificate from the Architect (in duplicate) regarding deviations.
(7) One set of attested copies of sanctioned plan.
(8) Two sets of Completion Plans for forwarding to DUAC duly signed by owner & Architect.
(9) Numbering plan of the CGHS.
(10) 2 set of Completion plans for fowarding to DUAC duly signed by the Owner/Architect. (Layout Plan, Building Plans, Sections and Elevations along with actual area of site i.e. Ground Coverage, FAR, Parking, Green & other details.
(11) One set of attested copies of Sanctioned Plan.
(B) Signing of Plans.
The plans at the time of sanction and completion are required to be signed by the owner and the licensed Architect. However, plans in respect of plots upto 500 sq. mtrs. And up to 4 storeyed may be signed by a Licensed Engineer and plots upto 100 sq. mts. And up to 2 storeys by a Licensed Supervisor instead of Licensed Architect subject to being approved by the Competent Authority. The Licensed Architect/Engineer/Supervisor shall indicate his/her name, address and registration number on the plans with a copy of his/her valid license.
(C) The undertakings and Affidavits required for approval of various building permits as per BBL-83 will be acceptable on plain paper with full details in the prescribed forms for Govt. & Semi Govt. Govt. projects/building submitted by PWD/CPWD officers (Office Order NO. 34 dt.04.12.02)