Ambedkar Awas Yojna - 1989
- AAY - 1989 was launched to make priority allotments to SC/ST registrants under MIG, LIG and Janta categories.
- DDA has allotted as many as 15157 flats under AAY - 1989.
- MIG : There were 7000 registrants for MIG flats while 5902 allotments were made till 31.08.05. As on today no waiting is there in MIG.
- LIG : There were 10,000 registrants for LIG flats while 6627 allotments were made till 31.8.05. On 31.8.05, priority number 6973 had been covered and 2771 registrants were awaiting allotment.
- Janta : There were 3000 registrants for Janta flats, while 2988 allotments were made till 30.04.03. No registrant is awaiting allotment.
- A total of 20,000 persons registered under AAY - 1989 and 15157 allotments have been made. 2771 registrants are awaiting allotment.