It is a process for converting a Lease Hold of Flat into Free Hold(Flat allotted prior to 1992).
What is the period for conversion of the Flat into Lease Hold to Free Hold ?
The time period prescribed for conversion of a Flat into Free Hold is 90 days subject to the condition that all the required formalities along with dues are completed and paid.
What are the various steps in the process of conversion?
Submission of application form in the authorized banks of DDA alongwith requisite documents and dues.
Intimation of dues if payable and deficienciesin documents by DDA to the allottee.
Issucance of CD papers in case all the formalities are completed by DDA.
Stamping of CD papers from the office of the collector of stamps, Govt. of NCT Delhi and returning of the same to DDA by the applicant.
Execution of CD papers in DDA by DDA/applicant.
Registration of CD papers with the office of Sub Registar, Govt. of NCT of Delhi.
How the rates of conversion are worked out?
Formula for working out the conversion charges is given in the brochure. Zone wise rates are given. In case of allottee conversion charges would less by 40% of the amount.
Prescribed in the brochure and in case of GPA more by 33.1/3% of the amount prescribed in brochure.
How to get NOC?
Allottee is required to make a simple request to Dy. Director concerned for getting No Dues Certificate. DDA shall give NOC subject to the conditions that all Dues, as demanded , are deposited.