- The Land Disposal department of DDA markets plots and built properties
through sales, allotments and auction/tender programmes.
- In the year 2002-03 this wing exceeded its budgetary targets of Ruppes
490.4 crore.
- During the year, as many as 30 Cooperative Group Housing Societies
ahve been allotted land in Dheerpur, Dwarka and Viswas Nagar for construction
of 2749 dwelling units.
- From Aprpril 2002to February 2003, DDA reseived 10086 applications
for converting residential properties from leasehold to freehold and
9417 were disposed.
- The Commercial Land branch organized 21 auction/ tender programmes
during the year and disposed of 94 plots, fetching a bid amount of Rupees
424.65 crore.
- The Commercial Estate branch sold 791 shops, earning a revenue of
Rupees 54.40 crore.
- In 2002-03, as many as 230 residential plots were disposed of in ten
auction/tenders organized by the Land Sales Branch, receiving the highest-ever
bid amount of Rupees 72.57 crore.
- During the year, 64 plots were allotted in Dwarka to recommendees
whose land had been acquired.