Documents to be Submitted
- Application form in prescribed proforma.
- 4 (four) Registered with Council of Architecture under the Architects Act 1972 indicating his / her name, address, telephone number, clearly showing original construction in blue colour and proposed construction/construction to be regularized in red colour at a scale not less than 1: 100.
- Certificate of supervision by Architect and structural Engineer alongwith a copy of their valid registration and qualification certificate.
- Certificate of supervision by Plumber if changes in wet areas i.e. kitchen,bath,WC/Toilet are proposed or the services are being affected in any way alongwith copy of valid registration certificate of Plumber.
- Proof of ownership documents: Lease deed / conveyance deed shall be taken as documents for the proof of ownership. Registered sale deed or general Power of Attorney /Agreement to sale shall be accepted as the proof of ownership only after the property has been converted into freehold by DDA. This will also be required from the owner(s) who have given NOC only.
- Certificate by owner(s) and structural Engineer for safety from natural hazard as per the proforma prescribed by Ministry.
- Indemnity Bond for structural stability on a non-judicial stamp paper of Rs. 100/- duly attested by 1st Class Magistrate/Notary Public. This Indemnity Bond will have to be given individually by all the owners of the vertical stack of flats. This will not be required from those owner(s) who have given NOC only.