Master Plan of
Delhi (MPD) -2021 | 2001
| 1962
" The information contained in this section is indicative only. The data used is from secondary sources only. Based on these the proposals policies for the MPD-2021 are being formulated. "
Making of the Plan
is currently engaged in extensive modification of the Master Plan of Delhi
- 2001 and is preparing MPD with a perspective up to 2021 to cater to
the increasing population and the changing requirements of the city.
As a prelude to preparation of MPD - 2021, twelve subgroups have been constituted comprising:
- Experts and Professionals,
- Eminent Persons,
- Public Representatives,
- Concerned Departments,
- Sectoral Studies
- Series of Seminars inviting politicians, administrators,local bodies
& RWA's etc.
About 200 Experts are Delibrating on different aspects.
The Sub-Groups on :
- Demographic Profile
- Regional and Sub-Regional
- Shelter
- Trade and Commerce
- Industry
- Physical infrastructure
- Traffic and Transportation
- Social Infrastructure
- Mixed Land Use
- Conservation and Urban Renewal
- Environment and Pollution
- Development Controls
- Public participation through series of seminars and interaction with
Residents Welfare Associations etc.
- Recommendations of the sub-groups
- Central / state government and authority advice-
(Guidelines received from GOI - additional input being publicised for consultation with stakeholders)
- Draft plan
- Approval of GOI for issue of public notice to invite objections &
- Consideration of objections and suggestions
- Final plan