Procedures: Lands
| Rates | Guidelines
| How to Apply
Allotment Procedures
How to Apply
- In view of these provisions the intending societies are required
to apply in the prescribed form worth Rs. 300/- available at forms
sale counter at Vikas Sadan , alongwith the documents viz. the copy
of society registration Memorandum of the society , the sponsorship
letter from the concerned Department of the Govt., the bank balance
certificate showing adequacy of Funds , the project report , exemption
certificate under section 80 G. of Income tax and an affidavit to
the effect that the society is non profit making character. In case
of religious organizsation like temple , Gurudwara and in case of
Clubs , Communities Hall , Dharamshala the character and antecedents
of the society and its members are got verified through DC/SDM Concerned
. For Govt. Deptt. no such formalities are required to be fulfilled.
- On receipts of required documents the case is referred to Planning
wing /AE(IL) to propose the site with regard to the sponsorship and
the preference areas given by the society .Once the site is identified
, the case is placed before the Institution Allotment Committee (IAC)
for its recommendations.
- The IAC is the advisory body and its recommendations are taken into
considerations by the competent authority while taking decisions on
allotment of land. The IAC is further empowered to evolve pre and
post allotment procedure to make the institutional allotment more
- The cases which for allotment by the IAC are accordingly processed
for approval of Hon'able L.G. On approval the demand cum offer of
allotment letter is issued at the rates approved by the Central Govt.
or at the Provisional rates as the case may be . The societies are
required to make the payment within 60 days without interest and thereafter
up to 180days from the date of allotment with interest @ 18% per annum.
After that , the offer of allotment is cancelled/withdrawn.
- After receipt of payment and its verifications, the possession is
issued. The society takes over the possession from the site staff.
From this date the ground rent/license fee are levied and the time
limit for construction also runs from this date The NOC there after
issued for getting the building plans sanctioned from DDA/MCD.
Note:- Changes in the aforesaid procedure are being
introduced from to expedite disposal of work.